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If you are having trouble logging in, here are some of the causes it maybe

  • Browser out of sync - try closing all of your browser's windows, then try again in a new browser window.
  • Cookies corrupted - your cookies maybe corrupted, try deleting all cookies from the browsers configuration options and restarting all the browser's windows
  • You may have a application/firewall that blocks the cookies - it maybe a security protection software which is blocking the cookies from being saved, disable the protection for our site before logging in.
  • Browser not set to accept cookies - enable accepting cookies in the browser's configurations options before logging in.
  • Browser corrupted/unsupported - your browser maybe corrupted, if you have another browser on your computer try logging in with that.

Regular Password

Strong passwords are important protections to safer online transactions.

An ideal password is long with a mixture of letters (Uppercase & Lowercase) numbers and special characters.

  • Use at least 8 characters, the more the better.
  • Don't use the same password for everything, in case another website passwords is compromised and your password stolen.
  • Change your password often, the password will expire after 90/180 days
  • Protect your passwords, keep them secure and do not share with anyone.
  • Do not use repeating characeters, example aaaBBBcccddd111
  • Do not use personnel information (name, birthdays etc...), cyber criminals may know more about you than you'd like.
  • New passwords should be at least 50% different from the old password


RSA SecurID is a two-factor authentication, consisting of a hardware token which generates a authentication code(Passocde) at frequent intervals.

To authenticate a user must enter their Personnel Information Number (PIN) and Passcode.

  • Never reuse a token code, always wait for the next code.
  • Protect your PIN's, keep them secure and do not share with anyone.